Monday, November 16, 2015

Einstein on the Beach (1976)

PIECE: Einstein on the Beach

YEAR: 1976

CAST: Ensemble

PREMIERE: The Philip Glass Ensemble, July 25, 1976. Festival D'Avignon

Philip Glass: Einstein on the Beach (1979) [Sony Classical]
Philip Glass: Einstein on the Beach (1984) [2012, Orange Mountain]
Philip Glass: Einstein on the Beach (1993) [Elektra Nonesuch]

Gregory Fulkerson: Cadenzas and Variations (1981) [Solo Music from Einstein on the Beach]
Topology: Perpetual Motion Machine (2003) [Knee Play 4]
Philip Glass: Up Close (2004) live versions [Train / Spaceship]
Philip Glass Ensemble: A Retrospective (2010) live versions [Building / Spaceship]
Tim Fain: River of Light (2011) [Knee Play 2]
Tim Fain Plays Philip Glass Partita for Solo Violin (2015) [Knee Play 2]

Jon Gibson: In Good Company (1992) saxophone version [Bed]
David Leisner: Music of the Human Spirit (2002) guitar version [Knee Play 4]
Bruce Brubaker: Hope Street Tunnel Blues (2007) piano version [Knee Play 4]
Philip Glass: Rework (2012) electronic mix [Knee Play 1]

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